Turf Management

Proven long term benefits for Greens and Fairways


Biochar - Golf Course After application - Turf

Biochar is created by pyrolysis of biomass (in this case sustainable bamboo) in commercial facilities and quantities ensuring consistent quality from batch to batch. It is a tried and tested soil amendment used predominantly in horticulture and growing.

Biochar is a permanent soil amendment that improves soil structure and fertility, encouraging soil micro-organism growth and subsequent organic matter. Its ability to retain nutrients in the soil for increased cation exchange capacity improves plant resilience and helps reduce inputs and costs, whilst also enhancing resistance to pests.

Trials at Oakhampton Golf Club in the UK have proven a resounding success for Biochar on greens.

It was common practice a century ago to use charcoal to keep greens porous and firm, and to improve the appearance and colour of turf. Now, innovative Greenkeepers are ‘rediscovering’ the benefits of biochar – using it to eliminate fungicides completely, and reduce chemical fertiliser use significantly.

Oakhampton Golf Course has been an early adopter of biochar application on their greens. The test greens were hollow tined to a depth of 10cm and biochar was brushed in the holes.  Comparison greens without biochar were maintained and fertilised in the same way and the test biochar greens missed several feeds.

At the end of 3 weeks it was clear that the greens with biochar that had missed their regular feed were as healthy as those that had no biochar.  Clear proof that biochar helps reduce the amount of fertiliser required whilst improving turf strength. In addition the greens with biochar had required no fungicide treatment for fusarium patch, whilst those without needed continued spraying.

Benefits of Biochar for Greens and Fairways

  • Biochar is a one off permanent application reducing ongoing annual costs and providing greater overall turf resilience.
  • Reduces/eliminates the need for insecticides and fungicides. More important than ever as more and more insecticides and fungicides are banned from the market.
  • Improves root strength, vitality, colour and appearance of turf. The result better golf course appearance and playability.
  • Reduces the amount of chemical fertiliser inputs required through its nutrient retaining properties. Reduces costs per annum for inputs and nutrient leeching problems.
  • Improves soil water retention making greens more drought tolerant and requiring less watering.
  • Reduces water logging on greens as encourages soil micro-organism growth and overall soil organic content.

Application Method

Hollow tining of green and subsequent brushing in of applied Biochar granules ensures good application in the root system of the turf.

Biochar - Golf course application - Turf


Approximately 500g Pine Biochar per m2 based on 13mm tined holes to a depth of 100mm.

Biochar - Golf course application - Turf